Help raise awareness of your condition

The Same but Different organisation uses the arts to raise awareness of disability and counteract prejudice.  We are currently looking for people to take part in two exciting photographic projects which will shine the light on rare diseases.  The aim of these projects are to encourage people to get to know the people behind the conditions.  Previous projects carried out by Same but Different has seen coverage in over 24 different countries exhibition in the UK (including in the Houses of Parliament) and abroad and they have given the families who have taken part the opportunity to really make a difference.

Project 1 - For this project we are specifically looking for families affected by Tay-Sachs, Battens Disease and Niemann Pick.  We will be photographing individuals affected and their families in order to create a powerful campaign to highlight the effects of their condition and raise awareness of the impact it has on day to day life.  This project is specifically looking for children under 12 years of age who are affected.  The families will be given copies of images for their own personal use.

Project 2 - We are specifically looking for families and individuals affected by Duchenne Musculuar Dystrophy (DMD), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Beta Thalassemia, Angelman Syndrome and Huntington's Disease.  There is no age requirement on this project.  Copies of images for your own personal use will be provided.

You can find out further information by completing the form below.