Local Offer


Some congenital or child-onset rare diseases and conditions can mean that your child has special educational needs or is disabled. Your Local Authority is responsible for providing a range of services.

 The ‘Local Offer’ is how each Local Authority makes it clear what support services will be available in its local area for children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities and their families. It puts all the information about education, health and care services, voluntary agencies, leisure activities and support groups in one place. 

 To find your Local Offer page simply write the name of your local authority followed by the term “Local Offer” - into your internet search engine.

What information is included?

 The Local Authority decides what services to make available for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs. However, it must get feedback on its Local Offer from young people and their families and say how they are going to make improvements to the Local Offer and services based on this feedback.

 The Local Offer should also include information about what transport services are available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and if there is any help available to pay for these services.

Are you looking for more direct support, or want to belong to a wider rare disease community?

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