We can... Neisha

Neisha is 19 years old and lives in Mold.

Whilst Neisha’s disability of cerebral palsy is visible when she is in a wheelchair, it is the hidden issues that have caused her the most difficulties.  Her struggles in school and reluctance for them to test her dyslexia caused years of issues and it is only in the last year that she has had that diagnosis confirmed.

“I really like watching TV and playing games.  I like Pokemon games.  If I had to describe myself I would say I am happy, bubbly, kind and friendly.  What I like in other people is for them to be kind, happy and friendly. 

“To people who criticise me I would say that even though I have a disability it doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with me.  I would still go to schools, even though they are special needs schools, I can still do the work and interact with people.  I am good at swimming and basketball.  I swim quite a lot.  There is a hospital that deals with my disability and I swim quite a lot there.  Even though I have cerebral palsy I can walk and I have had issues over people being mean about that but I don’t let it get me down.  They don’t understand when they see me walking why I need a wheel chair, but it gets hard for me to walk far, and so I need it.  I tell them to stop it and to think about their own needs to be honest.  To think about themselves really. 

“Before I went to Coleg Cambria I wasn’t very good at reading but I think I have got a lot better with that and I struggled with maths and numbers before I came here.  I found school very hard.  In my last year of school, they didn’t know I had dyslexia and that was very hard.  I have only just been tested this year.  For years we had asked for me to be tested and they would not do it so it was very hard.  Once I had got over that situation everything got easier really."

“It is important to raise awareness of disability because there is not enough of it."

Neisha has Cerebral Palsy, hydrocephalus and moderate learning difficulties.

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