We can... Scott

Scott is from Connah’s Quay and is 20 years old.

When we met Scott we were impressed by his quiet determination, his will to succeed and positive approach to tackling his difficulties.  As a student, in school, he recognised that he struggled and set out to work hard and achieve his dream of being a farmer. 

“I am at Coleg Cambria and this year I am doing animal care and conservation.  I really prefer college to school because you are so much more independent.  I really like the animal care because I have a lot of animals myself and so it helps me learn how to take care of them better.  My goal is to become a farmer and to look after as many different types of animals as I can.  I would also like to get some of the more exotic animals like spiders to try and boost their popularity.  I have two pet tarantulas and they are really not that bad to look after.  They are more scared in you than you are of them so if you respect them then they respect you.  It is the same with people as it is 50/50 trust either way. 

“Sometimes people make remarks that I can’t do things and this makes you feel like you can’t do it but then I look back and realise that I can do things.  I may learn a bit slower but I can still do what you can do. 

“People should stop putting us down because it is not fair.  We can do what you do.  You should not judge us for no reason because no one is normal in this world, nobody is perfect so what gives you the right to put us down.

“Animals can do with more respect too when you think about the amount of products we get from them then they get a bad reputation.  They have been in our world for a long time, longer than us.  Looking after animals and grooming them is therapeutic.

“My dream is to become a farmer.  This has been my dream since the age of 10 and so if I don’t achieve it I will be really sad.  I can’t do it alone.  I will need a bit of help to get started but everyone needs help in the start.

“It was quite tricky at school.  I had to leave the class to do catch up but when I went back to class I was performing a bit worse than when I was doing catch up.  I realised that maybe if I just tried a bit harder then I would do better and that is what I did.”

“Even someone who is missing a leg they still get around.  It is amazing what people can do if they actually try.  If you don’t try how can you expect to get anywhere in life.  It is about how much effort you put in.”

Scott has moderate learning difficulties.

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